Wednesday, November 3, 2010

American Photography

  • "pictures are more important that all the other stuff"
  • some pics are great emotional memories, others are proof of records - that someone did something
  • photos are the periphery of our lives that we take for granted
  • Brownie Cameras - sold for $1; over a quarter million sold in the first year
  • postcards were a way of covering virtually everything because people could send them to people
  • National Geographic began color photography
  • Edward Curtis - 20 books of native Americans
  • people asked: Where is the art in pressing a button?
  • they said it should be recognized as another branch of art
  • people altered their photos to make them look like real art; "brush strokes"
  • people were moved and outraged by child labor photos
  • straight photography - faced reality; didn't manipulate shots in the dark room
  • WWI - camera became an important weapon of war for propaganda
  • Interstated Daily News - sold itself on the basis of pictures

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