Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reading Notes-pg. 194-197: Architecture

  • Interior Views
    • interiors can be just as interesting as the exteriors
    • can be broken into overall room shots or detail shots
    • can be seen as concentrating on the presence of the people who live in and use the rooms
    • wide-angle lens for the entire room shots
    • photographer is always limited as to where to place the camera
    • if room is small---won't be able to back up to get the whole room
    • normal lenses work well for detail shots
    • use greater depth of field for interior, more specifically detail, shots so that everything is in detail
    • remember---the higher the f-stop number, the greater depth of field
    • may need a tripod for certain shots
  • Berenice Abbott (United States, 1898-1991)
    • an independent and individualistic woman who ignored what other photographers did and firmly believed in the value of being a self-taught artist
    • blazed a path to a style of photography that was new to the twentieth century
    • her work was characterized by exquisite lighting, interesting poses, and precise, formal compositions
    • when she met Eugene Atget her time was devoted to photographing architectural subjects

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