Thursday, January 13, 2011

Reading Notes-pg. 190-193: Architecture

  • The Big View
    • the wide-angle, overall view
    • most commercial architectural photography relies on it
    • shows you the hole building
    • perspective distortion appears as strong converging lines in a building, where the sides of the building angle in toward each other instead of looking parallel as they are in reality
    • farther from building = less distortion
    • photographer must decide whether to shoot the picture straight on form the front or from slightly to the side of the building
      • straight on creates a two-dimensional view, while shooting from the side naturally creates a three-dimensional view
    • Shadows
      • a great way to tune in to the visual world around us
      • pay attention to lines, shapes, and values of an object's shadows
    • The Detail Shot
      • features the individual architectural elements of a building's interior or exterior
      • these shots become indirect portraits to the people who made them
      • telephoto lens may help because some are so high
      • both older and modern details all work
        • modern can be interesting because one may not know what he or she is looking at

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